Sunday, June 19, 2011

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Saturday, June 4, 2011


I am exhausted,,, Not really,,, but I do need a vacation somewhere to re-group.

This Wednesday I passed my Written Federal EMT test. The patch came today in the mail ! :)

Mother, an RKC, Hairstylist ( owner / operator ) , business owner , kettlebeller,  and also

 RKC in April , and both federal tests for my EMT this month this is what I do to also challenge myself.

That's what kettlebell does for a person or me . It not only raises your confidence level it takes me places I wouldn't have imagined at this later stage of my life.

The energy I gain from the training has to be put to a positive good use and I think I have found those places. Thursday , I registered for Fire Fighting 1 class in the fall ( my last career ),,, here we go again,,, O BOY !