Friday, August 7, 2009

Aren't they cute !

On this day, I trained the USAF recruits. They were eager to learn, well,,,,, they had no choice but to endure the pain. All and all they were very amazing students. I hope that the introduction will trigger a possible kettlebeller in the near future. Had they taken it up earlier, boot camp would have been a breeze.
They all were young and athletic. Its amazing what youth can do for a person. I happen to feel younger then I did in my 30 's. Kettlebell does that. It helps you through out your every day life. I have more energy on less sleep, less stress in a stress filled economy. I don't even think about it,, funny.
I am not a spring chicken, I do kettlebell,, its like weightlifting x 10.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Korea or Bust

Korea or BUST

Last night I checked the RKC instructors forum. I had a feeling that it would be posted. Sure enough they are looking for assistants for the CERT in Nov. Awesome!
I am a hopeful that I will be picked to be one of the lucky ones to go to Korea. My son is serving there and I haven't seen or spoke to him in 9 months. Its been difficult, he's turning 19 and my son has been in the USAF for 1 yr already!
I am going to have to step up the game again and train even harder in the snatch test. It is now 100 in 5 mins. Since I did the last one in April, I got a time of 3 min for 79 of those bad boys with a 36 LB bell.
Impressive is what Pavel said to me one victims day,, that's cool!
Cross your fingers, invade Korea with the Walk Through Walls Brigade is a dream yet......