Friday, December 5, 2014


I ran across this video on one of my friends on FB. He has had a struggle with health problems himself and had died once. This video should give anyone with an excuse why they can't work out or train or make it to class no reason now!
Take the time while your healthy to stay strong and healthy. Keep fighting.

Enjoy, P.S. Get the Kleenex box. 

Holly Gerlach's Journey : From Guillain-Barre syndrome to Happily Ever After
A la edad de 26, Menos de 3 semanas después de dar a luz a su primer hijo, Holly fu...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Maple Grove

A few of us enjoying what Kettlebell training has to offer on a beautiful Saturday morning. Keep up the awesome work.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Here is a great formula I found on line. From Geoff....

Real quick one for you today...
So you started using KBs for workout simplicity and efficiency.

Me too.

If you're really trying to get work done with minimal thought -

You need to know that not all KB exercises are created equal
or have the same outcome at the same time for the same people.

Case in point:

The Get Up.

Great for rehab work on the shoulders, but personally, it
never made my press stronger, which, it is often claimed
to do.

Just goes to show that we all will need different options at
different times to achieve our goals.

Anyway, here are some KB exercises for you to give you the
biggest-bang-for-your-buck based on your goals.

Single KB work.

1. Sore / Bum shoulders?

Get Ups and Swings for a season

2. Sore / Weak Low back?

See #1.

3. Clean bill of health?

Clean + Press, Goblet Squats, Snatches

4. Maximum conditioning?

Snatches. LOTS of snatches.

Double KB Work.

(Either mixed-matched KBs or true pairs)

1. Total-body strength?

Front Squat, Presses, Clean + Presses

2. Muscle and strength?

Clean + Presses, Clean + Push Presses, Clean + Jerks

3. Conditioning?

Swings, Snatches, Clean + Jerks

4. Sore / Bum shoulders but still want to do doubles?

Front Squats, Front Squats, and more Front Squats.

5. Time-efficient fat loss [and simultaneous muscle gain]?

Complexes with the doubles.

Make sure you know proper double KB technique.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Voted Best personal trainer in Fridley/Columbia Heights

I am happy to announce that my Business ,Heights Kettlebells, was voted best personal trainer in the Readers Choice 2014 Sun Focus.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Synergy is defined as SUPER TEAMWORK.
Last Wednesday I was fortunate to attend a motivational  seminar given by Robyn Benincasa. As an athlete I identified with her struggles, competitiveness,and her dedication.
She talked about when something isn't fun anymore it becomes dedication.  
I have been dedicated to a few things of late. It isn't fun when you get the rejections or the failures. I pick up where I left off and come in strong again. Maybe its the support of my family or friends or the successes of the people I help.
Sometimes you do have to stop the madness if its not working.
Robyn talked about the pain. Pain is mandatory, suffering is optional. I try not to suffer after a personal failure for long. I always know that I did my best and prepared . If it wasn't meant to be , it isn't . After all we can't win all the time.
 The kettlebell training  is what keeps me going. The mental strength it takes to stay dedicated to the training is the foundation for me.
I recently had a great win, joining a wonderful team. It was something I have been working towards for a very long time. I got knocked down several times in the process of other opportunities. My dedication to that success got me back up off the floor.
I feel very peaceful at this time although there will be more challenges thrown at me.

Robyn talked about teamwork. I am nothing with out the people I work with. The little victories that the people around me achieve is very meaningful to me. Take the time to notice others and congratulate those achievements. The pain that is sometimes left after training is what motivates.
She also talked about when she would look back at the opposing team to see if they are catching up with their team. Her team member moved her head to a forward position and said wining is that way, look forward.
Forward is winning to me.
A fellow young firefighter friend of mine affirmed me lately, sometimes you just need this. He said that I hung in there and now it worked out. It meant a lot to me that day

Many people quit before they succeed. That wasn't in the plan for me.

Never quit .