Monday, April 26, 2010
Eric Rivkin is in the house !
Eric Rivkin is in the house !
I have the pleasure of hosting my friend Eric this week. He is busy converting me back to the truth to eating and that's Raw foods.
So far I have tried the durian fruit as a first ever,,, rather interesting fruit ! I have to develop a taste to that one, the mango and blueberries help.
The kitchen has turned into the pleasantly smelling preparation area. Since nothing is cooked, no need to clean the stove or the microwave, it also keeps it smelling nice.
The nori rolls are my all time favorite, although the wheat grass shakes and smoothies are awesome after training or for breakfast.
One of the pictures is of zuggheti with a salad, after this you wont need spaghetti ever again !
The other picture is my breakfast, a green smoothie in a bowl.
It has been a whole different feeling in your stomach eating this way, but a welcomed one. I can train hard with kettlebells after just one hour of consuming this way .Your energy isn't stolen to digest such things as meat. Remember everything has protein in it., we are going for the live stuff people, not the long energy depravation it takes with meat to get.
I have had some headache pain as I detox this week, I ate a couple of bad things and paid for it . Its interesting how you can feel what bad food does to you !
I hope to shorten my recovery and make me strong in the next few months.
Raw food is not that expensive, in fact its a lot cheaper to eat this way, it also takes my hunger away so I eat less. But , if you wanted to eat more,, its all free foods .
Eric will be teaching myself and the Miss America women how to have energy , eat well, and look your best ever while he's here .